AQI3147001 |
Seminars on Aquaculture |
Course organized in seminars to offer the students an overview of Aquaculture. The seminars will be presented by students and faculty members of the Program as well as by invited researchers. |
AQI3163000 |
Metabolism of Cultivated Aquatic Species |
Introduction to metabolism. Principles of bioenergetics. Digestion and absorption of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins. Major metabolic pathways of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins. Peculiarities of the metabolism of cultivated aquatic species. |
AQI410003 |
Research Project Elaboration |
Discuss concepts of the aquaculture research projects in oder to prepare students for reflection, critical analysis and integration of the composing parts of a research project. |
AQI410004 |
Methodology of Scientific Research in Aquaculture |
Using the epistemological approach it is possible to understand the methodological and theoretical principles of aquaculture as an applied science. Discussion on the nature of the experimental science, notably those aspects pertaining to factual science, allows devising correctly the aim of a scientific research in this field. |
AQI410005 |
Statistics |
Understand basic concepts and definitions of statistics. Use descriptive measures to present and compress numerical data. Apply frequency distribution methods to visualize and interpret numerical data. Identify the differences among main probability distributions and their applicability in testing hypothesis. |
AQI510015 |
Utilization of dietary nutrients |
Discussion about the nutrition characteristics of aquatic organisms. Comparison of the morphology of the digestive system and its relationship with different eating habits. Understanding bioenergetics and use of macro and micronutrients in the diet. The discussion on the functionality of the additives that can compose a diet to aquatic organisms. Relationship between nutritional needs and eating habits. The discussion of the variables considered at present to evaluate the use of nutrients. Understanding of planning and analysis of experiments in nutrition. |
AQI510004 |
Biology of Fish Reproduction and Development |
This course will be carried out by means of “Study Cases”, taking as basis the recent specialized literature, so as to approach fundamental topics concerning reproductive biology such as “Reproduction strategies at natural environment” and “Hormonal physiology and control”, and also how the new findings in those fields can help the research on reproduction of fishes in cultivation, from maturation control to spawning induction, fertilization and spawn development, up to the initial cultivation of larvae. |
AQI 510005 |
Stress in Aquatic Organisms: Effects and Mitigation Processes |
Response to stress is a way to which aquatic organisms resort to maintain homeostasis when threated by stressors. The understanding of the changes caused by the stress in the various physiological levels of the organism, as well as of their mitigation processes are essential in dealing with programs concerning reproduction, cultivation and management in aquaculture. The student must be able to not only understand, analyze, and present innovative solutions to the stress situations usually found in aquaculture, but to critically analyze conventional processes adopted by producers. |
AQI510006 |
Planning and Management for Aquaculture Sustainable Development |
Identification, discussion and critical analysis of published articles relevant to the improvement of the knowledge related to aquaculture planning and responsible management. Planning levels. Planning tools and methods. Planning and integrated management for the ecosystemic approach of aquaculture. |
AQI510007 |
Fish Parasitology Techniques |
Develop among students the capacity to conduct parasitological diagnosis on cultivated and natural fishes. Increase knowledge about suitable procedures concerning the gathering and processing of fish parasites, as well as their precise identification in levels of family and genus. Understand the importance of suitable treatment against parasitosis and alternative use of substance to fight or prevent diseases. Encourage students to search, understand and discuss related scientific articles. Reflection and critical analysis of the relevant topics related to fish pathology. |
AQI510008 |
Feeding, ingredients and formulation of diets |
Understanding the importance of meeting the nutritional requirements and adequate supply of nutrients in the preparation of formulations to optimize growth and other productive functions for aquaculture species. Analysis of the nutritional contribution of different foods, additives and formulations. Understanding the power of influence on water quality in aquaculture systems. |
AQI510010 |
Genetic Improvement of Cultivated Aquatic Animals |
Promote a deep discussion on current topics related to genetic improvement, to encourage reflection and critical thinking among students to the challenge of implementing genetic alterations in cultivated aquatic species. The course comprises the following topics: Genetic constitution of the populations. Changes in the genomic frequencies. Continuous variation. Values and averages. Variance. Similarities among families. Heritability. Selection: Response and its prediction. Selection: Criteria for selection. Endogamy and crossbreeding. Changes in mean and variance. Correlated characters. Mixed models. Androgenesis. Gynogenesis. Polyploidy. Transgenics. |
AQI510013 |
Planning and Analysis of Experiments in Aquaculture |
To increase the students’ understanding of the fundamentals and principles of experimental planning. Apply the parametric and non-parametric analysis of variance and the tests of means comparison for differentiation of the treatments used in the experiments and critical interpretation of the results. Analyze the relationship between two variables through simple linear regression analysis and simple linear correlation in order to synthesize the information and enable the interpretation of the association between these variables. |
AQI 510014 |
Advances in Marine Fish Cultivation |
Marine fish cultivation has been one of the latest aquaculture fields to develop in the world. However, it is growing in the latest years because of its relevance in food production, repopulation activities, and live bait and ornamental fish production, mostly stimulated by the high prices attained by these products in the market. The knowledge about the steps of marine fish production in their totality, and also of the main developments in this field are essential for the preparation of professionals who are able to evaluate, plan and present innovative solutions which could assist and cope with the growing demand for marine fish cultivation. |
AQI510016 |
Advances in Inland Fish Farming |
Update the knowledge about freshwater fish farming systems, with emphasis on the Brazilian scenario, discussing the problems faced by the activity and the alternatives for solution. The course covers a series of topics that encompasses the production cycle (reproduction, larval rearing, growth/weight gain, genetic breeding, and good management practices) and focuses on the main species farmed in the country, as well as gives special attention to discussing the limits of knowledge about native species that are being included in South American fish farming. |
AQI510017 |
Research Methods on Zooplankton Cultivation |
Course carried out by means of Study Cases, based on recent specialized literature, with the purpose of approaching fundamental topics on Biology and Cultivation of the main groups utilized in Aquaculture: Rotifers, Copepods, Cladocera, Artemia and other zooplankton organisms. Complementary theoretic discussions will give the basis for the development of practical cultivation tests for some of the studied organisms, in research projects related to this Course. |
AQI510018 |
Ecology and Management of Reservoirs |
Update knowledge about the impacts caused by the construction of dams on the aquatic ecosystem, in particular on fish populations. Discuss the problems arising from the implementation and operation of dams. Make a critical analysis of management actions taken by the industry to mitigate and /or compensate the impacts of dams. Evaluate existing knowledge of ecology of reservoirs and discuss the application of this information to the Brazilian scenario, emphasizing regional differences and the characteristics of different South American river basins. |
AQI 510019 |
Multivariate Analysis in Aquaculture |
The multidimension as a tool for data analysis. Matrix algebra and its application. Discussion on application and limitation of the different methods used in multivariate analysis. Ecological similarity measurements. Group analysis. Ordination methods and structure analysis. |
AQI510020 |
Molecular Toxicology Applied to Aquaculture |
Identify the types of the main contaminants found in aquatic environment and analyze their effects. Discuss and analyze the basic concepts of molecular toxicology. Evaluate and discuss the biochemical and molecular actions in response to xenobiotic exposition. Analyze interaction between contaminant-host. Evaluate and discuss different quantification methods for toxic effects. |
AQI510021 |
Water Quality Management in Aquaculture |
Discuss and analyze new trends in treatment technology, such as the use of probiotics and artificial substrates, treatment of effluents, polycultures and super intensification of biomasses to make cultivations more productive and sustainable. |
AQI510022 |
Shrimp Reproduction Technology |
Application of biological knowledge to marine shrimp industrial reproduction, approaching concepts of biological cycle in the natural environment and their relevance in laboratory reproduction at commercial scale. Tools to be applied for the dimensioning of laboratories and inclusion of technologies of other fields aiming industrial scale results. Discussion on logistic and technical features of each sector of the reproduction units – maturation, larviculture, Microalgae, Artemia and early nursery. |
AQI 510023 |
Molecular Biology Applied to Aquaculture |
Cloning methods and genes identification. Enzymes involved in DNA manipulation. Genomic library. Electrophoresis. Nucleic acid immobilization in membranes and hybridization. Marking of nucleic acid. DNA sequencing. Utilization and application of PCR, Dot Blot and ELISA techniques in diagnosis of pathologies related to cultivated animals, and in evaluation of their responses to environmental conditions. Molecular markers. Transgenic animals. |
AQI510024 |
Applied Phycology |
Economically interesting macroalgae and microalgae: discussion on biology, physiology, taxonomy, cultivation methods, mass production. Evaluation of the ways and strategies of management concerning natural banks and comparison with the aquaculture production. Potential byproduct to industry, bioactive compounds and phycocolloids. |
AQI510026 |
Microbiology Applied to Aquaculture |
Update knowledge about the basics and principles of microbiology and discuss topics related to their relevance in aquaculture production. |
AQI510027 |
Technological Advances in Shrimp Farming |
Comparison between shrimp farming and other agriculture and livestock breeding activities, as well as other aquaculture fields. Complexity of production systems in the face of health requirements. Characteristics of the shrimp farming industries. Engineering considerations for sustainability. Pond Ecology and handling of the natural productivity. Evolution of new production systems. Research and the main fields for development. Formulation and critical appreciation of production units engineering projects. |
AQI510028 |
Aquatic organism farming in biofloc system |
Update the knowledge of super intensive aquatic organism farming in biofloc system, promoting a critical reflection about the implications of the system on a productive, technological, environmental and social approach. |
AQI510029 |
Defense Mechanisms of Farmed Crustaceans and Mollusks |
Comparative aspects of the immune system of vertebrates and invertebrates. Principles of the immune system of crustaceans and mollusks, focusing on species of importance to aquaculture. Cellular and humoral defense reactions. Major infectious diseases affecting crustaceans and mollusks. Non-self recognition. Antimicrobial and antiviral defenses. |
AQI510030 |
Immune molecular tools in crustacean and mollusk health |
Introduction to Molecular Biology. Immunogenetics of marine invertebrates. Techniques in Molecular Biology (Genomics, Transcriptomics and Proteomics) applied to the study of the immune system of crustaceans and mollusks. Molecular diagnosis. Cellular and molecular basis of host-microbe interactions in farmed crustaceans and mollusks. Post-transcriptional gene silencing. The use of RNA interference (RNAi) for preventing viral diseases. Immunological parameters used as health indicators. Immunostimulants and probiotics in Aquaculture. |