Admission criteria
Admission of students in the Graduate Program in Aquaculture (PPG-AQI) takes place every semester, according to UFSC Academic Calendar.
The PPG-AQI admits candidates holding undergraduate degrees with a minimum duration of four years or 2700 hours, accredited by the Ministry of Education, who have affinities with the area of Aquaculture and that meet the requirements set forth in the Call for Applications.
The Calls are published on the Program’s website in:
April / May: for admission in August;
September / October: for admission in March.
Students who obtained their degrees abroad may be admitted upon recognition of the degree by the PPG-AQI Council. The degrees must be presented with the Brazilian consular seal, except in cases covered by specific diplomatic agreements.
For admission to the Master’s or Doctoral Degree Program the student must have been selected by the Program or have obtained transfer from another accredited Graduate Program (stricto sensu). The admission by transfer can only be effected upon approval of the PPG-AQI Council, provided that it complies with the requirements defined in a specific regulation.
A student cannot be simultaneously enrolled in more than one Graduate Program (stricto sensu) at UFSC.